Novartis Pharma AG Apps

ViaOpta Simulator India 1.5
Novartis Pharma AG
ViaOpta Simulator is a vision simulator app for eye diseases
ViaOpta EyeLife 1.5.4
Novartis Pharma AG
The Novartis EyeLife app will be container appfor Lucentis immersive experiences. The app will be available inthe public app stores for HCPs. The app will provide 360 videoimmersive experiences for Living with DME, MCNV and RVO. Oncedownloaded, users can view the app in Flat or Cardboard View. Flatprovides a film experience that is best viewed in the user's hand,as per a normal video the user could watch on their smartphone.Cardboard view allows the user to insert their phone into acardboard viewer allowing a more immersive 360 experience, similarto that achieved with an Oculus headset.
MAImoris-e 2.0
Novartis Pharma AG
MAImoris-e est un journal personneld’auto-suivi des symptômes, dédié aux personnes atteintes d’uneMaladie Auto Inflammatoire (MAI), quelle que soit la Maladie AutoInflammatoire concernée. Cette application développée avec desexperts des maladies auto-inflammatoires vous permettra de saisirau plus près de leur apparition vos symptômes et l’ensemble desinformations qui s’y rapportent : dates de début et de fin,intensité, localisation ou encore facteurs déclenchants ...Si plusieurs membres de la famille sont touchés par une MaladieAuto Inflammatoire, chacun pourra disposer via son compte sécuriséde son propre journal de symptômes. Pour les enfants de moins de 11ans, un mode spécifique a été développé pour mieux s’adapter àcette tranche d'âge.Vous pourrez également consulter une carte de France des centresde référence et de compétences dans les Maladies AutoInflammatoires, saisir vos rendez-vous ou encore enregistrer lescoordonnées de votre médecin traitant. Vous aurez enfin lapossibilité d’envoyer par mail un récapitulatif de vos symptômes,pour ensuite l’imprimer et le transmettre si vous le souhaitez àvotre médecin, qui pourra ainsi suivre très précisément l’évolutionde vos symptômes.Cette application n’a pas vocation à donner un avis médical ouun diagnostic et ne se substitue en aucun cas à une consultationmédicale. Cette application est proposée gratuitement par NovartisPharma.MAImoris-e is a diary ofself-monitoring of symptoms, dedicated to people with AutoInflammatory Disease (MAI), regardless of the Auto InflammatoryDisease concerned. This application developed with expertsautoinflammatory diseases you will capture closer to emergingsymptoms and all information on them: start date, end date,intensity, location or triggers. ..If several family members are affected by Auto InflammatoryDisease, everyone can have via its secure account its own newspapersymptoms. For children under 11, a specific mode has been developedto better suit this age.You can also see a map of France with reference centers andskills in Auto Inflammatory Diseases, enter your appointments orrecord the coordinates of your doctor. You finally have theopportunity to send by email a summary of your symptoms, then printit and send it if you like your doctor, who can then closelymonitor the evolution of your symptoms.This application is not intended to provide medical advice ordiagnosis and not replace the need for a medical consultation. Thisapplication is available free by Novartis Pharma.
SymTrac™ HIVES 2.0.0
Novartis Pharma AG
SymTrac™ HIVES - a free app that helps people with CSU tracksymptoms over time.
Jakavi® 2.0.3
Novartis Pharma AG
Die Jakavi® App: Informativ – übersichtlich -schnellDie JAKAVI®-App bietet Ihnen aktuelle Informationen rund um dasTherapiegebiet mit dem JAK1/JAK2 – Inhibitor: wichtige Fakten,Expertenstatements und neuste Studienergebnisse können jederzeitschnell und flexibel abgerufen werden.So hilft Ihnen diese App in der täglichen Praxis mit essentiellenInformationen zu Anwendung, Kontrolluntersuchungen,Wechselwirkungen und vielem mehr.Diese App ist nur für Fachkreise mit einem DocCheck® Loginbestimmt.The Jakavi® app:Informative - clear - quicklyThe JAKAVI®-app gives you the latest information about thetherapeutic area with the JAK1 / JAK2 - inhibitor: important facts,expert statements and latest study results can always be accessedquickly and flexibly.So this app will help you in daily practice with essentialinformation about application, check-ups, interactions, and muchmore.This app is intended for professionals with a DocCheck login.
SibA – Visussimulation 1.07
Novartis Pharma AG
SibA- Simulation bei Augenerkrankungen isteine speziell entwickelte App, welche die Symptome diverserKrankheitsbilder aufzeigt und durch die Kamerafunktion des iPads /iPhones widerspiegelt.Es ist ein Informationsteil integriert, welcher sowohl fürPatienten als auch für Angehörige die Symptome der Erkrankungenanschaulich darstellt.Es können Symptome zu- oder abgeschaltet werden und je nachSchweregrad die Einstellungen entsprechend angepasst werden.Enthalten sind die Altersbedingte Makula-Degeneration (AMD), dasDiabetische Makulaödem (DMÖ), die Retinalen Venenverschlüsse (RVV)und die pathologische Myopie (PM und mCNV).Die App soll nicht zu Diagnosenzwecken herangezogen werden, esist lediglich ein Information- und Aufklärungstool.Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Augenarzt.Siba simulation of eyediseases is a specially designed app which shows the symptoms ofvarious diseases and reflects through the camera function of theiPad / iPhone.It is integrated into an information part, which for bothpatients and family members representing the symptoms of thedisease clearly.There may be symptoms are switched on or off and the settings areadjusted accordingly depending on the severity.Included are age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabeticmacular edema, the edema (DME), the retinal vein occlusion (RVO)and pathological myopia (PM and mCNV).The app is not to be used for diagnostic purposes, it is only aninformation and education tool.For questions, please contact your eye doctor.
Retina Base
Novartis Pharma AG
DescriptionRetina Base is a retinal diseases virtual library based on clinicalcases. This App, developed with Retina experts, will allow you tobrowse clinical cases in an intuitive way, going from a diseasetypical form to rarer forms.Thanks to a high performing keyword search engine, find the exactpicture you are looking for, and filter the results by Category(imaging technique, pathology, clinical sign, and author)Retina Base in an app in constant evolution: the contents andfunctionalities are regularly updated.The App is available in any circumstances on your tablet: onceinstalled and unlocked thanks to your ViaOpta login and password,(you can create a ViaOpta account at any time on won’t need any internet connection to use the Retina BaseApp.In other words, Retina Base is:- A free tablet App with retina clinical cases based on multimodalimages- A clinical cases collection available at any time and evenwithout internet access- An app developed with ophthalmologists for ophthalmologists- A user-friendly interface for a unique experienceRetina Base clinical cases are also available on :ViaOpta website is an information platform with services dedicatedto ophthalmology healthcare professionals and generalaudience.Retina Base is downloadable from the App Store and reserved forHealthcare professionals.Retina Base App is an informative app aiming to illustratedifferent retinal diseases thanks to clinical cases.This App does not intend to give medical opinion or diagnosis anddoes not replace in any case a medical visit.This App is free and suggested by Novartis Pharma.
SibA Simulation 1.1
Novartis Pharma AG
The SibA eye disease simulation app is aspecially designed application that reveals and reflects thesymptoms of various visual impairments by means of the camerafunction in iPads/iPhones.It has an integrated information component, which graphicallydepicts the symptoms of the visual impairments for both patientsand family members.Symptom simulations can be activated or deactivated and thesettings can be adapted according to their severity.It includes age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabeticmacular edema (DME), retinal vein occlusion (RVO) and pathologicmyopia (PM and mCNV).The app should not be used for diagnostic purposes; it is merely aninformation and educational tool.If you have any questions, please contact yourophthalmologist.
CSU Tracker SG 1.0
Novartis Pharma AG
The CSU Tracker allows you to trackyourChronic Spontaneous Urticaria on a daily basis. It is splitintothree main sections:SEVERITY TRACKERUse the Urticaria Activity Score (UAS) method of markinghowsevere your skin condition is along with adding notes and photossoyou can keep an accurate record. Angioedema (swelling) can alsobetracked whenever it presents.IMPACT TRACKERYou can also assess your quality of life, to reveal how muchCSUis affecting you. This can be recorded on a weekly basis.PROGRESS TRACKERThe Progress Tracker allows you to identify patterns inyourresults, and see how your CSU corresponds to your quality oflife.You can browse your history of daily UAS scores and even lookatyour UAS7 score (your daily scores, over 7 days). Photos andnotesare also available to view. With an export option, you cansendyour records to a healthcare professional, or to yourselfforfurther use.
Volari COPD LATAM 1.3
Novartis Pharma AG
Volari is designed to help you live with COPD.
Enlace de Vida 1.0.2
Novartis Pharma AG
¡Enlace de Vida orienta, acompaña y apoya asus pacientes ahora desde su celular o dispositivo Android!En Enlace de Vida estamos comprometidos a ayudar a lospacientes, familiares y cuidadores, creando soluciones innovadorasque mejoren su calidad de vida. Es por esto que hemos diseñado unaaplicación móvil para fortalecer el lazo con los pacientes yconvertirnos en un apoyo en sus vidas.Enlace de Vida App cuenta con 8 módulos diseñados para brindarel mejor apoyo a los pacientes, entre los cuales están:Mi Perfil: Ingresar el código PIN (EDV#####) de la patología desu interés. Usted encontrará las siguientes patologías:✓ Cáncer de mama avanzado (EDV88847).✓ Cáncer renal avanzado y sarcoma de tejidos blandos(EDV78175).✓ Acromegalia (EDV14677).✓ Enfermedad de Cushing (EDV83285).✓ Tumores neuroendocrinos (EDV87814).✓ Púrpura trombocitopénica inmune crónica, hepatitis C viral(EDV56643).✓ Sobrecarga de hierro, anemia células falciforme, síndromemielodisplásico y talasemia y otras anemias (EDV28149).✓ Leucemia mieloide crónica (EDV56154).✓ Mielofibrosis y policitemia vera (EDV77868).Educación: Conocer más sobre la enfermedad, tratamiento, tomadel medicamento, manejo de eventos adversos y recomendaciones paramejorar la calidad de vida.*Localización de sedes: Ubicar la sede más cercana para realizarlas pruebas médicas que ofrece el programa Enlace de Vida.* Ustedpodrá encontrar los teléfonos de contacto y direccionar lasllamadas desde la app, así como consultar la dirección de la sedeque presta el servicio y ubicarla en google maps.Mi medicamento: Recordar tomar el medicamento a tiempo. Programelas alarmas completando los campos de nombre del medicamento, dosise instrucciones de toma del medicamento, y seleccione la hora ydías en los que desea recibir el recordatorio.Citas: Agendar las citas y exámenes médicos. Programe lasalarmas seleccionando la fecha de su cita y la hora, e ingrese elnombre o asunto de la cita, el nombre del médico y la dirección dellugar. Esto le ayudará a llegar a tiempo a todas sus citas.Síntomas: Registrar los síntomas para informar mejor a sumédico. Lleve un registro de los síntomas durante su tratamientoingresando el nombre del síntoma y una descripción detallada.Comparta esta información con su médico y busque su asesoría yapoyo para manejar estos síntomas y mejorar su calidad de vida.Preguntas: Registrar las preguntas que quiera realizar a sumédico en la próxima cita. Ingrese todas las dudas que quisieraresolver acerca de su enfermedad, tratamiento, medicamento y/ocalidad de vida. En la próxima cita haga estas preguntas a sumédico y registre la respuesta. Esto le ayudará a sacar el mayorbeneficio de sus citas médicas.Enlace de Vida: Conocer más sobre el programa, los servicios queofrecemos, nuestro equipo de profesionales de la salud einformación de contacto de Enlace de Vida.Enlace de Vida es un programa de apoyo para pacientes conenfermedades oncológicas que se encuentran en tratamiento conproductos Novartis. En Novartis Oncology trabajamos por transformarla forma en la que los pacientes conviven con el cáncer a travésdel descubrimiento y desarrollo de fármacos innovadores. Estamoscomprometidos con prevenir y curar enfermedades, aliviar elsufrimiento y mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.¡Descargue gratis Enlace de Vida App y comience a disfrutar detodos sus beneficios!*Aplica para algunas patologías.Life Link guides,accompanies and supports its patients now from your cell phone orAndroid device!Bond Life we ​​are committed to help patients, families andcaregivers, creating innovative solutions that improve theirquality of life. That is why we have designed a mobile applicationto strengthen the bond with patients and become a support in theirlives.Life Link App has 8 modules designed to provide the best supportto patients, among which are:My Profile: Enter the PIN (EDV #####) code for the pathology ofinterest. You will find the following conditions:✓ advanced breast cancer (EDV88847).✓ advanced kidney cancer and soft tissue sarcoma (EDV78175).✓ Acromegaly (EDV14677).✓ Cushing's disease (EDV83285).✓ neuroendocrine tumors (EDV87814).Chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura ✓, hepatitis C viral(EDV56643).Iron overload ✓, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia andmyelodysplastic syndrome and other anemias (EDV28149).✓ chronic myeloid leukemia (EDV56154).✓ myelofibrosis and polycythemia vera (EDV77868).Education: Learning more about the disease, treatment, takingmedication, management of adverse events and recommendations forimproving the quality of life *.Location of headquarters: Locate the nearest headquarters formedical tests offered by Life Link program * You can find thecontact numbers and routing calls from the app, and check thelocation of the seat providing the service. and place it in googlemaps.My Medicine: Remember to take the medicine on time. Set alarmsfilling out the fields of drug name, dosage and instructions fortaking the drug, and select the time and days you want to receivethe reminder.Appointments: Schedule appointments and medical tests. Setalarms selecting your appointment date and time, and enter the nameor subject of the appointment, the doctor's name and address of theplace. This will help you arrive on time for all appointments.Symptoms: Register symptoms to better inform your doctor. Keeptrack of symptoms during treatment by entering the name of thesymptom and a detailed description. Share this information withyour doctor and seek his advice and support to manage thesesymptoms and improve their quality of life.Questions: Record the questions you want to make your doctor atyour next appointment. Enter any questions you would like toresolve about their disease, treatment, medication and / or qualityof life. At the next appointment ask these questions to your doctorand record the answer. This will help you get the most benefit frommedical appointments.Life Link: Know more about the program, the services we offer,our team of health professionals and contact information LiaisonLife.Life Link is a support program for patients with oncologicaldiseases are treated with Novartis products. Novartis Oncology atwork to transform the way patients living with cancer through thediscovery and development of innovative drugs. We are committed toprevent and cure diseases, ease suffering and improve the qualityof life of people.Download Free Life Link App and start enjoying all itsbenefits!* Applies to certain diseases.
Lymphozyten-Umrechner 1.4.1
Novartis Pharma AG
Bei vielen Krankheiten ist die Anzahl derLymphozyten im Blut ein wichtiger Indikator, wird jedoch nicht beijedem Laborbericht explizit ausgewiesen.Der Lymphozyten-Umrechner unterstützt Sie bei der Ermittlung derkonkreten Lymphozytenanzahl aus einem gegebenen Leukozytenwert unddem Prozentsatz der Lymphozyten.Bei der Eingabe und dem Ergebniswert können Sie dabei aus mehrerenunterschiedlichen Einheiten wählen und erhalten so genau den Wert,den Sie benötigen.Diese App wird Ihnen kostenfrei von der Novartis Pharma GmbH zurVerfügung gestellt. Sie ist sowohl für Ärzte wie auch für Patientengeeignet.Die App enthält keine Werbung oder Produktinformationen.Daten, die Sie in dieser App eintragen, werden ausschließlich aufIhrem Smartphone gespeichert.In many diseases, thenumber of lymphocytes is an important indicator in the blood, butis not explicitly stated in any laboratory report.The lymphocyte Converter helps you to determine the actual numberof lymphocytes from a given white blood cell count and thepercentage of lymphocytes.When the input and the result value, you can choose it from severaldifferent units and get exactly the value that you need.This app is brought to you by Novartis Pharma GmbH available freeof charge. It is suitable for both physicians as well aspatients.The app contains no ads or product information.Data that you enter in this app are stored only on yoursmartphone.
SymTrac Nederland 2.1
Novartis Pharma AG
Symtrac v2.0 is een upgrade ten aanzien van Symtrac v1.0.. Deze appis ontwikkeld om patiënten te helpen met het bijhouden van hun MSgerelateerde symptomen voor persoonlijk inzicht, maar ook voorgesprekken met hun zorgverlener. Versie 2.0 heeft een compleetnieuw gezicht en daarnaast zijn er nieuwe functionaliteiten die hetgebruikersgemak van de app vergroten. De belangrijkste nieuwefunctionaliteiten zijn: - Geoptimaliseerd voor gebruik van tablets- #MSLifeHacks notificaties - Nieuw scherm voor pre-consultatie omgebruikers te helpen met het voorbereiden van hun volgende afspraakmet hun zorgverlener - Stappenteller welke van informatie wordtvoorzien door de bestaande gezondheidsapps van hun apparaat -Gesproken en visuele ondersteuning hoe de app te gebruiken - En nogveel meer!
Acroscore IT 1.0
Novartis Pharma AG
ACROSCORE viene utilizzata per supportareimedici nella valutazione di un potenziale rischio diacromegaliaattraverso un algoritmo di calcolo standard basato sualcunevariabili. L’applicazione non è finalizzata a fornireconsiglimedici né diagnostici.ACROSCORE is usedtosupport physicians in a risk assessment of acromegalypotentialthrough a standard based on some variables calculationalgorithm.The application is not intended to provide medical adviceordiagnosis.
eTerapija 1.1
Novartis Pharma AG
This is an app which reminds patients when dothey have to take their drugs and shows them what is the requireddosage and how does the drug look like.It also provides measurements diary which allows patients to keeptrack of their measurements in one place.
PSOTracker 1.2
Novartis Pharma AG
The PsoTracker is an electronic patient diary.
Volari COPD 2.2
Novartis Pharma AG
De Volari app is ontworpen om u te helpen leven met COPD. Volarihelpt u inzicht te krijgen in uw klachten en gewoonten in de loopvan de tijd. Daarnaast geeft Volari eenvoudige adviezen enhandvatten. In het leven gaat het om keuzes maken. Het is nooit telaat om voor iets nieuws te kiezen. We weten dat het leven met COPDniet makkelijk is - maar de keuze is aan u. Het is nooit te laat omeen positieve veranderingen in uw leven te maken. Bent u er klaarvoor? Als u wilt kan Volari u helpen door middel van drieeenvoudige stappen: 1. DOWNLOAD EN CHECK-IN: Log in en vul in hoehet met u gaat 2. BIJHOUDEN EN LEREN: Krijg inzicht in uw klachtenen gewoonten 3. BELONEN EN DEEL: Volari beloont uw vooruitgang en ukunt uw ervaringen delen met anderen. HOOFDKENMERKEN: - Volg hoehet met u gaat; symptomen, therapietrouw, activiteitenniveau,rookgewoonten, kwaliteit van de slaap en wateropname - Vul devragenlijst in (COPD clinical questionnaire) in om uw COPDgezondheidstoestand te beoordelen - U kunt de voortgang van uwklachten en gewoonten volgen in de loop van de tijd - Deel uwgegevens met uw arts en dierbaren om ondersteuning te krijgen - Uwordt gemotiveerd en beloond Volari is ontwikkeld in samenwerkingmet COPD-patiënten en de medische gemeenschap. Bent u op zoek naareen handige manier om uw klachten en gewoonten bij te houden? Bentu op zoek naar een hulpmiddel dat u motiveert en beloont? Volari isaltijd bij de hand om u te ondersteunen, motiveren en inspireren omeen positieve verandering te maken. De kans ligt in uw handen...Bent u er klaar voor? 0915COPD443832 0515COPD380726
Together 1.1
Novartis Pharma AG
What if there was a health social networkthatallowed you to connect with others like you, get access toarticlesand resources from advocacy organizations and medicalexperts tohelp support your or your loved one as you manage yourcondition.There is now.Together is a new social network comprised of public andprivatecommunities that connect patients and caregivers affectedbycertain health conditions.Together in HF is our first public community and is dedicatedtoheart failure. With Together in HF, you can:- Connect with others like you and share your story withphotosor videos- Personalize your home feed by choosing the types of topicsyouwant to see and follow only the people you want to hearfrom- Explore articles and resources created by nationaladvocacyorganizations and medical experts- Comment on other user posts and rank content as helpfulorinspirational- Receive notifications when another member interacts withyourcontent and receive weekly emails highlighting some of themostrecent activities- Gain access to a directory of services and companies that mayhelpyou manage you or your loved one's conditionWe believe in putting patients first - this has been builtforpeople like you and we welcome you to our community.
Herzstark in 3D 1.2.3
Novartis Pharma AG
Rund um die Erkrankung Herzschwäche wurde Herzstark in 3D von OAPriv. Doz. Dr. Deddo Mörtl (Landeskrankenhaus St. Pölten),Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christopher Adlbrecht, MBA (Medizinische UniversitätWien) und Univ. Doz. Dr. Martin Hülsmann (Medizinische UniversitätWien) in Zusammenarbeit mit Novartis Pharma entwickelt. DasHerzstück der App ist die 3D Darstellung des kranken und gesundenHerzens. Sie finden in der App viele nützliche Erklärungen zuSymptomen, Beschwerden und Therapien aber auch Videos und Bilder zugängigen Diagnoseverfahren wie EKG und Herzecho. Durch dieintegrierte Facharztsuche können Patienten bequem IhrenHerzspezialisten in der Umgebung finden. Durch Klick auf die beimArzt hinterlegte Ordinationsadresse wird diese automatisch in dieNavigationsapp übernommen. Herzstark in 3D richtet sich mit seineninformativen Features sowohl an Ärzte zur Unterstützung in derPatientenkommunikation als auch an Patienten zur Information rundum Herzschwäche und steht dabei allen Anwendern kostenlos zurVerfügung. Features: - 3D-Modell des gesunden und kranken Herzens -Erklärung von Symptomen und Beschwerden - Untersuchungs- undTherapiemöglichkeiten - Anschauliche Videos und Bilder, z.B. vonEKGs - Facharztsuche – finden Sie Ihren Spezialisten in der Nähe
Novartis NavigaTOR 2.6
Novartis Pharma AG
BOLERO-2 clinical trial.
Ongoing Trials 2.2.0
Novartis Pharma AG
Clinical trials are scientific studies conducted to find betterways to prevent, screen for, diagnose, or treat disease. Theseclinical trials may also show which medical approaches work bestfor certain illnesses or groups of people. Novartis is currentlyconducting clinical trials around the world for a number ofdiseases. Search for more information about ongoing interventionalNovartis-sponsored clinical trials. Note: This app accesseslocation based information. To enable maps, please go to settings> Location Services > Use wireless networks.
Novartis Knowledge City 1.0.2
Novartis Pharma AG
An interactive information app forassociatesof Novartis Hyderabad. Beginning with information andresourcesabout our coming move to our new office premises, this appwillcontinue to be used to share important messages and material inthefuture as well. Download the app and get the latest onwhat’shappening at Novartis Hyderabad. Requires registration using5-2-1ID (your official username or unique eight-digitalphanumericID).
Vale Mais Saúde 1.0
Novartis Pharma AG
Por meio desse aplicativo, você terá acessoaosbenefícios do Programa Vale Mais Saúde.O que você poderá fazer:•Cadastro: mais comodidade e facilidade;•Adição de novos medicamentos ao cadastro;•Adição de novos pacientes (dependentes);•Busca de farmácias: localize rapidamente uma farmáciacredenciadaao Vale Mais Saúde próxima a você;•Meus medicamentos & benefícios: saiba seus descontosdosmedicamentos cadastrados;•Lembrete de tomada de medicamento;•Lembrete de compra do medicamento;•Alteração de dados do cadastro;•Esqueci minha senha;•Fale ConoscoThrough thisapplication,you will have access to the benefits of the ProgramMore HealthValley.What you can do:• Registration: more comfort and ease;• Addition of new drugs to register;• Adding new patients (dependent);• pharmacies Search: quickly find a pharmacy accredited toMoreHealth Valley next to you;• My medicines & Benefits: Know your discounts ofregistereddrugs;• drug-taking reminder;• Purchase reminder of the drug;• Change of registration data;•I forgot my password;•Contact us
Glico2 1.1501
Novartis Pharma AG
With GLICO 2 you do the daily log of your blood glucose.
Leben mit CML 1.2
Novartis Pharma AG
Die App Leben mit CML ist für Patientenmitchronischer myeloischer Leukämie (CML). In dieser App habenSiealles Wichtige zur CML mobil dabei: Erinnerungsfunktion andieEinnahme, Ihre Laborwerte, Informationen zur CML, Kontakteundpraktische Infos in verschiedenen Sprachen, zum Beispiel fürdieAuslandsreise.Machen Sie diese App zu Ihrem Begleiter!Die App kann Ihnen mit der Erinnerungsfunktion dieregelmäßigeEinnahme Ihrer Medikamente erleichtern, denn diese istentscheidendfür den Therapieerfolg.Sie können Ihre Laborwerte dokumentieren, um den VerlaufdesTherapieerfolgs im Überblick zu haben.The app is living withCMLfor patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). In this appyouhave everything you need for CML mobile here: reminder tostoptaking your lab values, information about CML, contactsandpractical information in different languages, for example,totravel abroad.Make this app to your companion!The app can help you with the memory function regularlytakingyour medication, as this is crucial for successfultreatment.You can document your lab values ​​to have the courseoftreatment success at a glance.
Aplicativo Bem Estar 1.0
Novartis Pharma AG
Aplicativo Bem Estar Novartis pararealizaçãoquestionários para auxílio no diagnóstico, campos parainserção dehistórico/fotos/tratamento, gráficos e relatórios paracompartilharcom médico. Possui acessos distintos para médicos epacientesApplicationWelfareNovartis to conduct surveys to aid in the diagnosis, fieldsforhistorical insertion / photos / treatment, charts and reportstoshare with the doctor. It has different access to doctorsandpatients
CML - Therapiemanager 1.2
Novartis Pharma AG
Die CML-TKI-AppSchnell – übersichtlich – informativDie CML - TKI - App bietet Ihnen aktuelle Informationen zurTherapievon CML (chronische myeloische Leukämie)mitTyrosinkinaseinhibitoren, die Sie jederzeit schnell und flexibelinder täglichen Praxis abrufen können.Hier finden Ärzte relevante Details zu den ELN-EmpfehlungenundAnregungen für Therapieplanung und TherapiegesprächvonBlutkrebs.Diese Novartis App ist nur für Fachkreise mit einem DocCheck®Loginbestimmt.The CML TKI AppFast - clear - informativeThe CML - TKI - app gives you current information on thetreatmentof CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) with tyrosine kinaseinhibitors,which can be accessed at any time quickly and flexiblyin dailypractice.Find Doctors relevant details about the ELN recommendationsandsuggestions for treatment planning and treatment of bloodcancersconversation.                                                                                                                                    This Novartis app is intended for professionals with aDocCheck®login.
Makula Update
Novartis Pharma AG
App for macular update from Novartis for ophthalmologists.
Novartis Pharma AG
L’application Smartphone SEP-Agenda,développée en partenariat avec l’association de patients NotreSclérose, est destinée à faciliter le recueil des informationsconcernant votre sclérose en plaques pour améliorer sa prise encharge au quotidien et favoriser vos échanges avec votreneurologue.SEP-Agenda vous propose de :- Visualiser vos prises de médicaments et vos rendez-vous desuivi- Paramétrer des alertes automatiques rappelant le jour et l’heurede prise des médicaments prescrits ainsi que le jour derenouvellement de la boîte- Regrouper et retrouver vos contacts utiles: « Professionnels desanté », « Associations de patients », « Réseaux de santé », «Sites Internet »- Planifier et préparer vos rendez-vous grâce à des conseils ainsique paramétrer des alertes automatiques- Trouver des réponses à vos questions et des conseils sur laSclérose en Plaques classés selon 6 thématiques : « Pour préparerma consultation », «Pour faire du sport », « Pour bien manger », «Pour gérer ma grossesse », « Pour partir en voyage », « Pourréaliser mes démarches administratives ».L'application n'a pas vocation à donner un avis médical et ne sesubstitue pas à une consultation médicale.Un guide d’utilisation est disponible dans l’applicationCette application est proposée gratuitement par NovartisPharmaceuticals.The SEP-Agenda Smartphoneapplication, developed in partnership with the Association of Oursclerosis patients, is intended to facilitate the collection ofinformation about your multiple sclerosis to improve its managementand promote your daily interactions with your neurologist.SEP-Agenda offers:- View your shots medications and appointments followed- Set automatic alerts reminding the day and time of takingprescription drugs as well as the date of renewal of the box- Consolidate and find your useful contacts: "Healthcareprofessionals", "Associations of patients", "Health Networks","Websites"- Plan and prepare for your appointment with advice and set upautomatic alerts- Find answers to your questions and tips on multiple sclerosisclassified according to six themes: "To prepare for myconsultation," "To sport", "Eating well", "To manage my pregnancy","For from travel "," To achieve my paperwork. "The application is not intended to provide medical advice and doesnot substitute for medical consultation.A user guide is available in the applicationThis application is provided free of charge by NovartisPharmaceuticals.
MS Takip 4.2
Novartis Pharma AG
It is an application that allows them to monitor the health statusof people living with MS
WanderApp 1.9.0
Novartis Pharma AG
Hiking in Austria - especially for people with type 2 diabetes.
Physio Vital 2.7
Novartis Pharma AG
Physio Vital offers individual training for the home.
SymTrac Taiwan 多發性硬化症健康管理師 1.2
Novartis Pharma AG
SymTrac PT 1.5
Novartis Pharma AG
A SymTrac é uma app gratuita que ajuda as pessoas com EscleroseMúltipla a monitorizar o seu bem-estar geral e os sintomas ao longodo tempo. Desenhado por pessoas com Esclerose Múltipla, parapessoas com Esclerose Múltipla, em colaboração com profissionais deSaúde. A SymTrac ajuda o médico e os seus doentes na consulta,permitindo um acompanhamento da evolução da doença desde a últimaconsulta. A app contém um conjunto de exercícios desenvolvidos emparceria com um especialista em neuro-psicoterapia.
Symtrac BE 2.1
Novartis Pharma AG
SymTrac is a free app that helps people with multiple sclerosis(MS).
Psoriasis Support IDN 1.01
Novartis Pharma AG
Aplikasi yang bertujuan agar pasien Psoriasisdapat mengontrol gejala, kualitas hidup & memperoleh informasimengenai penyakitnyaApplications that aimsfor Psoriasis patients can control symptoms, quality of life andobtain information about the disease
SymTrac™ Psoriasis 1.2
Novartis Pharma AG
SymTrac Psoriasis is a free app for Android that empowers peoplewith psoriasis to track their symptoms and the impact of psoriasison their quality of life over time. The severity of your symptomsand the impact on your quality of life can be measured using thebuilt-in Dermatology Quality of Life Index (DLQI) questionnaire andPsoriasis Symptom Diary. SymTrac Psoriasis enables you to view anydata recorded on easy-to-read progress trackers. The app alsoallows you to take photos of key affected areas for futurereference, alongside notes to record any additional information.Data recorded in the trackers, along with photos and notes, canthen be exported into a report which can be emailed to your doctoror nurse or printed to take with you to your next appointment. Thiskey feature allows you to make the most of your consultation timeby providing a clear picture of how your symptoms have changedsince your last appointment. SymTrac Psoriasis also provideslifestyle tips for people with psoriasis, including information ontopics such as diet, exercise and stress management available at ascroll. This application has been funded and developed by NovartisPharmaceuticals UK and Novartis Ireland Limited.
tjrUP! 1.8
Novartis Pharma AG
tjrUP! for Android
urtiCARE 1.3.0
Novartis Pharma AG
urtiCARE followed for the patient with Chronic UrticariaSpontaneous
Novartis Pharma AG
psoriNYT application allows you to keep track of psoriasis.
CMpL 1.3
Novartis Pharma AG
CML Risk Assessment Mobile App
Terappia 1.2.0
Novartis Pharma AG
Forgot your drink medicine? Forget about forgetting!
SymTrac CZ 2.2
Novartis Pharma AG
Symtrac v2.5 is an updated version of the Symtac v1.0 mobileapplication.
MSymtrac 3.1
Novartis Pharma AG
MSymtrac - therapy independent MS Accompaniment - supports peoplewith Mult
HF Check
Novartis Pharma AG
Heart failure pre-discharge checklist
Novartis Event Engagement 1.0
Novartis Pharma AG
Novartis Event Engagement" is the official mobile applicationforMeetings, Congresses & Events Engagement used by Novartisandits Divisions. It can include, but is not limited to, a few ofthefollowing key features: - Agenda and Schedules - Attendee List-Activity Feed - Polls and Surveys
Novartis Pharma AG
Herzstark in 3D CH 1.1
Novartis Pharma AG
Herzstark in 3D - About Heart Failure
Volari COPD IE 2.1
Novartis Pharma AG
Volari is designed to help you live with your COPD by providingsimple tools to